April 14 – Our Lady of the Lakes (Italy, 1652)

This is where the Holy Family stopped on its way to Egypt (II)

Following the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Zeitoun, Cairo (Egypt) in 1968, the Orthodox Coptic Church added the feast of the Transfiguration of the Virgin Mary in Zeitoun, celebrated every year on April 2nd, to the liturgical calendar.

Father Boutros Gayed, brother of the Patriarch, reported many healings and miracles obtained through the intercession of the "Virgin of Light" in Zeitoun since 1972. Countless people claimed to have been healed during the apparitions or shortly after witnessing them. A medical committee set up by the Coptic Orthodox Church and chaired by Professor Shafi Abd-el-Malek of the Medical School of Cairo University, was charged with recording and verifying them.

Among the most striking cases are Sami Abd-el-Malek, age 40, cured of terminal bladder cancer, and Fathma Zahi Reda, a devout Muslim, suffering from an incurable thyroid condition. More healings continue to occur. By refraining from communicating any explicit message, the Virgin wished to deliver a sign accessible to all Egyptians: Muslims and Christians, Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant, believers and non-believers alike.

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