April 7 – Our Lady of Zyrovic (Lithuania, 1432) – Blessed Josaphata Michaelina Hordashevska, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate (d. 1919)

“I want to dig a spring of living water here”

The Shrine of Our Lady of Issia in the Ivory Coast has been in existence since 1990. It is renowned throughout French-speaking Africa.

It was a stigmatist nun, Mother Mary of the Cross, foundress of the Little Sisters of Mary Mother of the Redeemer, of Saint Aignan on Roë in France who offered her suffering for the building of this shrine. She made this prophecy: “Pilgrimages will begin small but will keep on growing. This is an opportunity for the future.”

When Father Tardif (a Canadian) came to Issia, he also made a prophecy in 1987 and spoke in the name of the Lord: "I want to dig a spring of living water here, where my people will come to quench their thirst." He said this in the presence of the local bishop, Bishop Pierre-Marie Coty, who had already decided to make the hill of Issia a place of pilgrimage dedicated to Our Lady of Deliverance.

There are many reports of miracles, healings, and conversions of Muslims. Women who cannot conceive return the following year with a baby! On February 22, 2010, the Virgin appeared to hundreds of children who had spent the night in prayer!

Paul Pageaud

SMA Missionary on a retreat at the Priory of La Cotellerie which witnessed the origin the of Shrine of Our Lady of Deliverance

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