December 21 – Our Lady of Sorrows (Pescara, Italy, 1672) – Our Lady of Saint-Acheul (Amiens, France)

Did they miss the appointed time?

It is a historically proven fact—as inexplicable as it seems—that the attention of the world in the first century was focused on a single point: this distant Roman province. This unique anticipation was one that Mary, more than anyone else, carried in her heart and in her prayer to the Holy of Holies. It was accomplished for her and for all Christians in the coming of the Savior, in the fullness of the appointed time.

Even the Jews who did not recognize Christ testify to the precision of this expectation, recognizing in the Talmud at the end of the first century that "all the dates calculated for the coming of the Messiah have now passed" (Sanhedrin Treaty 97). But for those who did not recognize it, the missed appointment will remain as a question mark.

Under the crushing disappointment, the doctors of Israel ended up reinterpreting the expectation of the Messiah. Meanwhile, "the times (of Daniel) are fulfilled, and the reign of God has come near." (Mk 1:14)

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