December 6 – Our Lady of Sées (France) – Our Lady of the Vow (Siena, Italy)

A little boy’s edifying gesture

A family from the Aosta Valley in Italy used to go to Rome every year for the Christmas holidays, often dining at a restaurant called L'Eau-Vive (Living Water). In 1982, they were there again one evening around Christmas. After the meal, they asked to go thank all the cooks in person. The small nativity scene, placed in a corner of the kitchen, caught the attention of seven-year-old Andrew. The cooks were touched by the little boy’s interest and gave him the Baby Jesus.

The next year, his mother came back to see us, and said, "Do you know that Andrew’s Baby Jesus changed all of us? Every evening Andrew wants the whole family to meet in his room around the Baby Jesus to sing the Ave Maria of Lourdes like we did at L'Eau-Vive he says."

One day the parish priest came to bless our mountain chalet. Andrew, of course, led him immediately to his Baby Jesus and both of them sang the Ave Maria. Now this priest is a family friend. Through him we found our way back to the Church that we had left 15 years ago, my husband and I.

Dans Le Sillon Missionnaire (The Missionary Sillon, 1983)

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