September 20 - Our Lady of Itati (Paraguay)

A Large Veil Was Lifted (I)

The Blessed Virgin pronounced these words, either about the secrets or rules, but at the time I was only able to guess at the meaning of the what was behind these words. Then a large veil was lifted and my eyes and imagination rediscovered the events as she pronounced these words. A wide panorama opened in front of me, I could now see these events and changes upon the earth through the eyes of the Eternal God in His glory as He watched the Blessed Virgin lowering herself to speak with two shepherds (...) Some people have not approved of the fact the fact that Mary spoke to us in such length. It is such a pity that these people feel so miserly towards a poor shepherdess who has no other hope with all her heart that the whole world could have seen and heard all that she herself saw and heard during that half an hour, because everyone would have converted...

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