July 3 - Saint Thomas the Apostle

The Only True Child

Mark my words, child: the Blessed Virgin made neither triumph, nor miracles. Her Son did not allow human glory to touch her, not even with the thinnest end of its large untamed wing. Nobody has ever lived, suffered, or died as simply as Mary, nor lived in such pure ignorance of her own dignity, a dignity which however placed her above the angels. She was of course born without sin, what amazing solitude! Mary is a source so pure - so limpid, so limpid and so pure that she could not even see her own reflection. She was made exclusively for the joy of the Father - and this makes her such sacred solitude! Demons of old well familiar to man, masters and servants united, the terrible patriarchs who guided the first steps of Adam to the threshold of the cursed world, treachery and pride, you can see them all watching this miraculous creature by afar, for she was placed out of their reach, invulnerable and disarmed.

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