January 31 - Apparition of Our Lady to Bl. Angela de Foligny (1285) - Saint John Bosco (1815-88)

A Dream Come True (I)

I had a dream when I was 9 years old that remained deeply engraved in my heart all my life. In this dream, it seemed to me that I was near my home in a very large courtyard where a crowd of playing children was gathered. Some of them were laughing, many were swearing and cursing. As I heard these blasphemies I immediately threw myself in the middle of them, punching with my fists and shouting at them to make them be quiet. Then, an imposing Man dressed in fine clothing appeared. His face was so luminous that one could not look at him straight on. He called me by my name and said to me, "You won't stop them by fighting. You can only make them your friends with gentleness and kindness. Why not start right away speaking to them about the ugliness of sin and goodness of virtue?" I felt so intimidated and apprehensive that I told him I was just a poor ignorant child. Then, the boys stopped fighting and shouting, and grouped themselves around the Man who spoke. As if I didn't know anything better to say, I asked, "Who are you to order me to do such impossible things?" "It's precisely because these things appear impossible to you that you should make them possible by obeying and acquiring knowledge." "How can I acquire knowledge?" "I will give you a teacher. Under her direction, you will be able to become very knowledgeable." "But who are you?" "I am the Son of the Woman to whom your mother taught you to pray, three times a day. Ask my Mother if you want to know my name."

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