September 22 - Saint Mary of the Royal Court (Italy, 1575)

It's Always the Time of Miracles

A fact, true and wonderful, which thousands of people can attest and certify even today, is the apparition of the Blessed Virgin on September 19, 1846. This loving Mother showed herself as a beautiful Lady to two children. (...) She appeared to them on a mountain in the Alps. (...) for the sake of France, (...) and of the whole world. All this to warn them that the wrath of her divine Son was ablaze against men, especially on account of three sins: blasphemy, the profanation of Sunday and holy days, and the transgression of the laws of abstinence. Prodigious facts have come to confirm this apparition, found in public records or attested by people whose sincerity and faith rule out any doubt. These facts are precious to confirm the good in their attachment to religion and to refute those who, perhaps out of ignorance, wish to set a limit to the power and mercy of God by saying that the time of miracles is over.

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