November 18 - The Rosary Virgin of Chiquinquira (Venezuela, 1749)

The Caliph Who Defied the Coptic Church (II)

Simon the Tanner's existence could have remained unknown, if an incident at the court didn't cause a local earthquake?figuratively and effectively. The Caliph was known to invite different religious leaders to debate in his presence. His Islamized Jewish vizier and Pope Abraam were present at one of those meetings and the pope got the upper hand. The Jew sought to embarrass Abraam and quoted the famous verse where the Lord, Jesus Christ, said in Saint Matthew (17:20): "Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Caliph Al-Muizz saw a unique opportunity in this debate and ordered Abraam to prove that Christ's words were true by moving Mokattam Mountain to the east, which would permit the expansion of the new town of Cairo. If he refused or was unable to accomplish this feat he would face two alternatives: either convert to Islam or leave Egypt. The patriarch asked in consternation and obtained an allotted time of three days before giving him an answer. He prayed God to inspire him and appealed to the Coptic people to fast with him for three days, from dawn to dusk, and to pray fervently that God would ward off this test. The third day at dawn the Virgin Mary appeared to Abraam in a dream and said to him: "Do not fear, faithful shepherd. (?) The tears that you shed in this Church, the fasts and prayers you and your people have offered will not be in vain. Get up and go to the iron gate opening onto the market place. There you will find a one-eyed man carrying a water jar. Through him the miracle will occur."

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