November 6 - Our Lady of Valfleury (Lyons, France)

The Miraculous Birth of King Louis XIV "God-Given" (I)

Married very young in 1615, Louis XIII and Anne of Austria remained barren for many years. The matter became alarming even if only from a political point of view. The Queen prayed continually for an heir. Unfortunately, again in 1630 her pregnancy was no more successful than before. It was said that a miracle was in need. The miracle actually happened after 22 years of marriage, by the intercession of Our Lady of Graces. On 27th October 1637, while he was in prayer with his brothers in his convent, Brother Fiacre had a sudden inspiration: the Queen should publicly ask that the people make three novenas to the Blessed Virgin, and a son would be granted to her. The first novena was to be to Our Lady of Graces in Provence, the second to Notre-Dame of Paris (patroness of the cathedral) and the third to Our Lady of Victories, the church of his convent in Paris as well. In fact, two years earlier, as a young novice, Brother Fiacre had received the same inspiration, but with less conviction. Nevertheless, his superiors remained sceptical and prohibited him to speak about it, unless of course he had proof?

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