July 22 - Our Lady of Safe Hiding, (Overloon, Holland)

God's Masterpiece of Mercy

The Blessed Virgin is given to us like God's masterpiece of mercy, as the one whose sole purpose in life is to let us enter the Father's mercy by this narrow, yet royal, door. Since Mary is really the masterpiece of this mercy, she is, so to speak, the personification of the Father's mercy. Our Lord is the source of mercy for us, but in his close relationship with the Father, he is beyond mercy because he is the only Son of the Father. However in the case of the Son, the Father does not adopt an attitude of mercy but an attitude of love. Mary is a creature, a creature who is pure. Mercy completely enveloped her from the starting point; all her life she never ceased receiving the Father's mercy in plenitude. This mercy is intended to introduce her into love, but it is a love that takes on a special nuance, because when God's love is communicated to a creature, it necessarily takes the form of a merciful love.

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