July 02 - Our Lady of the Visitation (Bollezeele, France)

This is the Heart

The Church invites us to attentively consider the depth of the love manifested in the Passion of Jesus and the Compassion of Mary. "All you who pass this way, look and see: is there any sorrow like the sorrow inflicted on me?" (Lm 1:12). At the time of the great apparition of the Sacred Heart to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, in June 1675, Jesus declared: "Here is the Heart which loved humankind so much that it spared itself nothing, to the point of becoming exhausted and consumed with love to bear witness for them. And as a reward I mainly receive only ingratitude." Jesus also asked Margaret Mary to accompany him in prayer each Thursday evening, for one hour, to participate in his anguish at Gethsemani. He said to her: "This is where I suffered the most, more than in all the remainder of my Passion (...); no creature can understand the degree of torments that I suffered then."

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