January 1 - Solemnity of Mary Mother of God

The Entire World is Filled with Joy!

I see this joyful assembly of holy bishops at the invitation of the Blessed Mother of God, Mary forever virgin, who are gathered here with enthusiasm. (...) Hail Mary, Mother of God, sacred treasure of the universe, star without decline, crowned by virginity, scepter of the orthodox faith, indestructible temple, home of the immeasurable. Mother and Virgin, because of whom the "One who comes in the name of the Lord" is called "Blessed" in the holy Gospel (...). Hail Mary, you who had in your virginal womb what heaven cannot contain; you in whom the Trinity is glorified and adored all over the world, in whom the heavens exult; in whom angels and archangels are filled with joy (...). The entire world is filled with joy!

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