February 20 - Jacinta Marto, seer of Fatima (d. 1920) - 5th Apparition in Lourdes (France, 1858)

Saint Bernadette's Silence (III)

On February 20th, the group had grown larger. Thirty people witnessed Bernadette's silent ecstasy. As she returned to the village, she saw her aunt Basile in the street, who had been waiting impatiently for Bernadette's return. Aunt Basile invited her inside her house and Bernadette's composure was peaceful and joyful. But Basile had prepared her reprimand. "People are talking too much about you, my girl! Don't go back there!" Bernadette replied, "Too bad for them. Let the people talk." Then she added, "If you want to come with me tomorrow morning you can?..." Aunt Basile hated to admit it, but she was longing to accompany her niece. "What annoys me," she answered, "is the crowd. So let's go either earlier or later, when there is not so much of a crowd."

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