December 13 - Our Lady of the Holy Chapel (Paris, France)

I am the Mother of Ipalnemohuani (V)

The Lady from Heaven ordered him to go to the top of the little hill, pick the different kinds of flowers growing there, gather them together and bring them back to her. Juan Diego followed her orders and came upon an amazing sight: multitudes of magnificent flowers in full bloom were growing there in mid-winter. He picked and gathered them all and put them in his tilma. Then he brought them to the Blessed Virgin who took them in her hands and said, "My humblest and dearest son, these different flowers are the proof, the sign to take to the bishop. In my name, tell him that he is to see in these flowers my desire and my will. You are my messenger; in you I place my absolute trust. I strictly order you to open your tilma and show what you are carrying in the presence of the bishop alone. You will tell him everything: how I told you to climb the hill up to the top and pick the flowers. Tell him everything you saw and admired so that you can convince the parish priest about what needs to be done so that the House of God, which I have asked for will be built."

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