December 9 - First apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexico, 1531)

I am the Mother of Ipalnemohuani (I)

In 1531, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared four times to a poor but respectful Indian of Mexico, Juan Diego, from Saturday, December 9th to Tuesday, December 12, 1531 (according to the Julian calendar used at the time). The events of Guadalupe left two amazing wonders: an image miraculously printed on Juan Diego's tilma (cloak) and an astonishing account, written by Antonio Valeriano, telling the story of the apparitions and the words used by the Blessed Virgin, announcing the Good News to the Aztecs and inviting them to a new life in Christ, starting right from the roots of their own religious culture and using their native language. On the first day, Juan Diego heard something resembling the songs of many precious birds coming from the top of the little hill of Tepeyac. Then he heard someone calling him and a lady of incomparable majesty said to him, "Understand and know for certain, my dearest and humblest son, that I am the ever-virgin Saint Mary, Mother of God, The One Great God of Truth, Ipalnemohuani (The One Who Gives Life), the Creator of Mankind, The One Who is Close and Within Reach, the Lord of the Earth and the Heavens. I ardently want you to build a sacred House of God for me right here. I will give all my personal love, assistance, compassion and protection. Because I am truly a compassionate mother, your mother and mother of all the people who live together in this land, and of all the other people of different ancestries who love me, pray to me, seek me out and entrust in me. I will listen to their pleas there, provide remedies and look after their ailments, their sorrows, their heartaches." Then she asked him to go to the palace of the bishop and bring her message to him with insistence.

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