December 11 - Our Lady of the Angels (Forest of Livry, France, 1212)

Mary in the Midst of Israel's Waiting (II)

"All nations on earth will be blessed in your descendants" (Gen 22:18) The Virgin Mary, in the midst of Israel's waiting, also pondered ancient prophecy received by Balaam: "I see him but not in the present. I perceive him but not close at hand: a star is emerging from Jacob, a scepter is rising from Israel" (Num 24:17). She examined "the promise He made to our ancestors" (Lk 1:55), "of his mercy to Abraham" the believer. "All nations on earth will be blessed in your descendants" (Gen 22:18) ? in favor of his son Jacob - "The scepter shall not pass from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until tribute be brought him and the peoples render him obedience" (Gen 49:10) ? and the great promise made to Moses, "The Lord your God will raise up a prophet like me; you will listen to him" (Deut 18:15).

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